We provide wholesome nutritionally balanced, age and weather appropriate & traditional food to our school & daycare children above the ages of 1.5 years. Nutritionally balanced food is one of the key factors to a child's holistic development during the early childhood developmental years. We are strong advocates of ingrediants being procured from the market on a daily basis. Every meal is cooked fresh & in utmost hygenic conditions and is served hot.
The menu is meticulously planned keeping in mind the requiremnets of micro & macro nutrition for every age group. All the five food groups have been included i.e grains, vegetables, fruits, diary & protein in the form of seeds, nuts & beans.
The benefits of availing the food facility in the school & daycare will ensure:
1. The meals will be scheduled & served at regular intervals which will limit unplanned eating.
2. Besides learning table manners, the regular eating routine will discourage poor behaviour at mealtimes. Your child will focus on eating, not playing with food, or playing at the dinner table.
3. The regular eating routine will also discourage your child from running or playing while eating which can potentially cause your child to choke on food.
4. Child-Care Montessori promotes healthy eating habits by providing healthy & traditional foods and snacks.
5. We encourage children to drink milk & water instead of sugary, high calorie drinks like fruit drinks, colas & packaged sweetned milks.